The Centre of Excellence for Applied Research and Training (CERT) celebrates the graduation of a new batch of alternative service recruits in the “Mechanical Engineering Technology” diploma

A celebration was held to mark the graduation of a new batch of alternative service recruits in the “Mechanical Engineering Technology” diploma program. The program, which optimizes the talents of alternative service recruits and enhances their role in serving the nation, aims to achieve strategic national service goals, based on the joint agreement between the Ministry of Defense (represented by the National and Reserve Service Authority) and The Centre of Excellence for Applied Research and Training (CERT), the investment and training arm of the Higher Colleges of Technology and the Department of Energy.

The new training program, which is the result of joint institutional cooperation, is designed to prepare and qualify a group of alternative service recruits in the field of vital facilities management during emergencies, crises and disasters, enabling them to manage these facilities efficiently and effectively.
The graduation ceremony held at CERT was attended by Dr. Mohamed Baka, Chief Executive Officer of CERT, Brigadier General Hamad Khalifa Al Neyadi, Director of Strategic Planning in the National and Reserve Service Authority, and Mr. Abdullah Al Ameri, Acting Chief Operating Officer at CERT. In his speech, the CEO confirmed that the graduation of the alternative service recruits was the first important step towards their entry into the national workforce, armed with the scientific knowledge and skills that would enable them to gain practical experience in the field of vital facilities management during emergencies and crises. He went on to say that the training program opened up new horizons for them to continue their education and development in this field in the future.

The Director of Strategic Planning at the National and Reserve Service Authority, Brigadier General Hamad Khalifa Al Neyadi, affirmed that training alternative service recruits is a strategic priority. It not only ensures that this category of recruits acquires the skills needed to respond in emergencies, crises and disasters, but also guarantees that key public sector services provided by government and private institutions continue without interruption and can recover from crises swiftly and effectively. He concluded by saying how proud the Ministry of Defense and the Armed Forces were of the recruits and their role in supporting comprehensive national development.

Dr. Mohamed Baka emphasized CERT’s role in preparing and qualifying national cadres to use the technical and professional tools of the future, making them more productive and able to serve their country. He referred to the extensive training experience the center possesses and its numerous partnerships with other public and private institutions in the areas of training support and the development of national competencies in line with the requirements of the labor market. Dr. Baka stressed that CERT is licensed by the National Qualifications Center as an accredited training provider and is launching new partnerships and programs that promote both qualifications and Emiratization. He reiterated his appreciation of all the partners whose efforts and contributions had ensured the success of the Mechanical Engineering Technology diploma program under the supervision and follow-up of the Ministry of Defense, represented by the National Service and Reserve Authority.