Advance Telematic Solutions in UAE
Our comprehensive portfolio of advance telematic solutions in UAE includes fully integrated Intelligent Systems to meet the needs of UAE large enterprises. CERT is a key market player and technology disruptor in the Smart Mobility and Transportation sector of Abu Dhabi and taxi ecosystem. Through CERT’s 360-degrees collaboration model, we leverage AI technologies, sustainable platforms, data and, networks, localized global technology trends in the Middle East and the UAE. Our CERT Telematics team was the first to implement navigation services for public transport in the MENA Region. Our solutions focus on four areas:

AI Enabled Fleet Management System
We are pioneers in the Telematics industry with our Fleet Management System. This end-to-end solution possesses an intuitive customer front-end, robust application architecture and advance analytics, and is fully customizable for any regulated market needs.With the ever increasing cost of fuel and operational overheads, it is imperative to have managerial control of the Fleet. Our Fleet Management system provides the reports and tools for Management to deploy the fleet with optimal efficiency, promptly respond to custom requests, ensure minimal delays, and lower downtimes.

Fully automated Fleet Dispatch Solutions
Our state-of-the-art dispatch solution delivers, tracks, monitors and automatically alerts administrators of the full life cycle of the vehicle dispatch and fleet management. The system is suitable for taxis, trucks, buses and other vehicles. The hardware is durable and proven and the software is user-friendly, with locally-sourced maps as per customer requirements.

Intelligent Call Center Solutions
Our call center solution is AI enabled with automated analytics, alerts, an interactive
Management Information System and Integrated Voice Response System (IVRS).

IoT Enabled In-Vehicle Device Solutions
We collaborate with time-tested manufacturers to provide solutions with full spectrum of IoT enabled devices and services. This includes but is not limited to: Mobile Data Terminals (MDTs), Secure Mobile Payment Gateway and Printers, Security Camera Systems, Digital Roof lights, Seat Sensors and External Advertising Display units.
We couple and provide our value added software to enable Bi-directional messaging, Driver monitoring, Real time tracking, and History Tracking and driver transgressions.