
H.E. Ali Rashid Al Ketbi, Chairman of the Department of Government Support with H.E. Dr. Abdullatif Al Shamsi - President & CEO of the Higher Colleges of Technology and Dr. Mohamed Baka - CEO of CERT.

The CERT Team at EXPO 2020 for with H.E. Mohammed Al Hashmi, Chief Technology Officer, Expo 2020.

At the Inauguration of the VAT Academy.

At the MoU signing between CERT and Bombay Stock Exchange with H.E. Dr. Abdullatif Al Shamsi - President and CEO of the Higher Colleges of Technology and Dr. Mohamed Baka - CEO of CERT - The Commercial and Training Arm of the Higher Colleges of Technology.

A Glimpse of Our Team!
The CERT Team.

Our CEO Dr. Mohamed Baka -with Siim Sikkut Chief Information Officer at Government of Estonia.

Our team in one glance.

During the graduation of the ENOC Oil Process Control Technician Training Program managed by CERT.

A meeting with the Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank team in the presence of H.E. Dr. Abdullah Al Ahbabi.